Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Where are You???

This morning God and I had a wonderful conversation. One, that in the midst of it, brought me to tears. I didn't have any other choice but to surrender and allow the tears to come. I believe that those times of vulnerability are some of the best times spent with God. No walls, no defenses. My tears flowed, not out of any feeling of sadness, but out of my pure and utter love for Jesus and my amazement of how great my God is!!

Among the many things I needed to speak to God about this morning, I had one question for Him and boy did He have an answer for me!! My question was "God, where are you in the midst of all of this?"

I am sure I am not alone in asking this question. I am sure that I am not the only one that struggles some times to see God in times of uncertainity or trouble. Lately, I have been struggling with some circumstances in my life. Some of my own choosing, some not. It is in these circumstances that I am struggling to see God's hand.

For instance, last evening my husband informed me that some of his co-workers had been told to pack up their desks - they no longer had a job. The dire state of our economy was hitting a little too close to home! After saying a quick "thank you" to God that this had not affected my husband (yet), I began to do what I normally do in these situations - figure out how I am going to deal with this (not how is GOD going to deal with this) and worry!! It was in dealing with this circumstance that God spoke to me this morning and answered my question. This is what He said:
  • You know those birds that I send to your feeder every morning for you to enjoy, I provide for those birds. I tend to their every need. I provide food and shelter for them. If I do that for them, what makes you think that I won't continue to provide for you? Look at the birds and you will see me there.
  • Did you have to tell your heart to beat this morning and your lungs to fill with oxygen? When your heart beats and you feel yourself breathing, remember me and you will see me there.
  • Remember when you went to the grocery store this week? Remember how you had enough money to pay for everything you purchased? Look at the cupboards and full refrigerator and you will see me there.
  • Were you warm this morning lying in your bed? Did your children have a soft bed to sleep in? Remember the warmth and softness of your beds and you will see me there.
  • Did you and your family have clothing to put on this morning? When you get dressed for work, remember me and you will see me there.
  • Do you see the school buildings that your children attend every day? I have given them a sound, healthy mind so that they can learn in those buildings. They are not mentally or physically challenged. They are bright and healthy. When you drop them off in the morning, look at those buildings and you will see me there.
  • Did you feel the love that your cat showed you this morning when she curled up against you under the covers? Unconditional love. Remember that she is my creation, and you will see me there.
  • Is it by chance that your paths are clear and free from obstacles and accidents on your way to work every day? When you get to work safely and without incident, remember me and you will see me there.
  • When I closed one door and felt disappointment and hurt, didn't I open another this is bringing you joy and a renewed sense of purpose? Remember me in that circumstance and you will see me there.

At this point in my conversation with God, I had been so humbled that I felt like I wanted to hide. How could I take for granted all of these things? How could I for even one moment forget that God is present in all of the mundane, seemingly insignificant things, AND the big things in my life? How could I forget that He has always been there? His hand has been ever present in my past, my present and my future - I just have failed to acknowledge or remember it.

So, my prayer today has been for God to open my eyes to all of the places He is in my life and in the lives of those I love. You would be surprised at how God will reveal himself to you when you take the time to purposefully look for Him and thank him for his many blessings!

Thank You God, and forgive me for being so blind!!!

God is Good, All the Time!!


elaine @ peace for the journey said...

We must all be on the same page this week! I've read so many blogs voicing the same sentiments.

Our God is incredibly faithful as you have so beautifully articulated. I don't want for anything; still and yet, I worry about a great many things.

God is patiently teaching me to trust and to live in the moment, day by day rather than month by month. Why borrow sorrow from another day's portion?

His Word tells us to think upon "whatever is true...". If it ain't true, push it from the mind. It's one way we begin to retrain our thoughts toward all things sacred.

Have a great weekend, friend. I love that you are here in blogland.


Beth in NC said...

That is beautiful Lori. I'm grateful God is always with us. If we look at the world around us, we can certainly feel overwhelmed.

I'm glad you had that precious time with the Lord.
