Monday, March 16, 2009

Diving In...

On Saturday evening I had the occasion to speak to someone about how I used to teach swimming lessons when I was in college. I told the individual that one of the hardest things to teach new swimmers is diving, especially when it comes to high diving. I didn't think too much of that discussion, as it happened in the middle of a fun evening at a youth event, and actually it sort of left my mind. But later, as I lay in bed reminiscing on the day's events, that discussion came to mind and I was touched by how God wanted to use it to get a message through to me.

I guess the hardest thing about diving is just taking that first step off the dive. It is the fear of the unknown (and for me heights) that causes us to wrap our toes around the edge of the diving board and hang on for dear life. But once we do it, we often wonder what the big deal was and without much pause at all can dive right off into the water again and again. It boils down to an issue of trust and control.

I think that is how our relationship with God can be at times. We are so griped with the fear of the unknown and with the fear of what will happen if we just "dive in" that we sometimes hold back on allowing God to encompass every part of our being and our life. I know for myself there are certain areas in my life that I just wrap my toes around and cling to for dear life. I don't know what my fear is of giving that control over to God, but I struggle with it daily.

I came across some verses recently in my daily devotion time that have spoken to me in a mighty way on this subject. They are found in 2 Colossians 6-7. I love the "Message" version of these verses because they really speak to me in a simple, yet profound way.

My counsel for you is simple and straightforward. Just go ahead with what you've been given. You received Christ Jesus, the Master, now LIVE Him. You're deeply rooted in Him. You're well constructed upon Him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you've been taught. School's out, quite studying the subjects and start living! And let your living spill over into thanksgiving.

WOW! Those words speak volumes to me. What it all boils down to is very simple - trust in what you have been taught and the One who has taught you, and put those teachings into practice and just go for it - live!! If we never jump off that dive, we don't know what is waiting for us at the bottom. We can talk something to death, we can climb off that dive over and over again, and we can get to the edge and look over and talk ourselves out of it, but until we truly trust and just go for it, we will never really release that fear and our living will not be complete. Our relationship with Christ can never fully be what He desires it to be. We have to be willing to take that first step.

If I close my eyes I can take myself back to the swimming pool that I taught lessons at. I can see myself standing on the edge of the pool, or even sometimes in the water underneath the diving board, coaxing my swimming students with these words - "you know what to do, I won't let you drown, I will catch you, you can do this." And now, even today as I write these words, I can hear Jesus gently prodding me off that high dive of fear and insecurity asking, "What are you waiting for, I have taught you well, I won't let you drown, my arms are stretched out wide to catch you, I am in control, just dive in!!"

So, the prayer of my heart this is day is... Oh Jesus, the desire of my heart is that I can pry my toes of that board and dive in without fear of drowning, knowing that your arms are there to catch me, even during those times when I feel as if all I am doing is flailing around and treading water in life. Help me to trust in your teachings and in your promises, even during those times when it is so hard to give up that control. I ask that you remind me that your arms are wide enough and strong enough to save me from the deep. Never let go of your grip on me. Thank You Jesus, even now I pray. Amen

God Is Good ~ All The Time!!


Monday, March 9, 2009

My Boss...

"My Boss is a Jewish Carpenter" ~ that is what the bumper sticker read today on the car in front of me at the light. I have seen this particular sticker before, it wasn't new to me, and I haven't been particularly moved by it in any way before. But today for some reason it struck a cord in me. I began to think how we might change our commitment to Christ if we REALLY took those words to heart.

I have an "earthly" boss. Her name is Elaine. She is a great boss, she is a pastor. She makes it easy and enjoyable to do my job. She brings out my best and I want to make her proud. I usually go above and beyond what she requires of me in my job. I love my job, but I must admit there are times when I need a break and would just LOVE to call off from work. But because I know Elaine counts on me for so many things, my commitment to her and to my job makes it hard to take those much needed days off every once in a while (by the way, I do get two weeks of vacation, but sometimes that just isn't enough!!). And, when I do take those days off, I am guilt-ridden over it. Because of my devotion, I don't miss too many days of work (other than for sick kids, minor melt downs, etc.) I am also very punctual (I don't have to punch an "actual" time clock, but I don't like to be late!). Perfect employee? Maybe, in the eyes of some. But what about in the eyes of the One who matters most???

So I guess what I am getting at is this. Why can I be so devoted to my "earthly " boss Elaine and strive to never let her down, but I fall so short in my devotion to my "heavenly" boss at times. How many times do I skip my morning or evening devotions because "I just don't feel like it?" How many times have I missed Sunday worship for some lame excuse? Why do I settle for "less than" and "good enough" when it comes to wanting to please Christ? How many times I am "late" when God needs me to show up?

So my prayer for today and for the days to come will be that Christ will hold me to His higher calling, much like Elaine does at work. I pray that my devotion and my commitment to my "heavenly" boss will not waiver and stand firm so that some day when I get my ultimate "evaluation", I will hear those words I so long and look forward to hearing, "Well done my faithful daughter - welcome home."

God is Good, All the Time
