Exercise - I cringe at the very thought of it and hate every minute of it! I really do. I would much rather have all of my teeth pulled! I don't look cute in all of the latest workout attire and I sweat like a pig. Not attractive!! I don't know if that will ever change and if there will be a day that I will look forward to it. I'm working on it, I truly am!
I have decided that 2009 is going to be the year that I become physically fit AND spiritually fit. Both challenges in their own right I must admit. I needed to make some serious changes and 2009 has found me in the right frame of mind for once in a very long time to achieve my goals.
God has used a variety of people and ways in order to help me with my goals this year. One way has been my sister friend Elaine from "Peace for the Journey". After many years of "life" and circumstances, God has reunited us in a unique way through her blog site.
She gave all of us words of inspiration in one of her earlier 2009 blogs by telling us to "get to it". (I encourage you to take a look at it!) I have taken those words to heart and I have printed them on a card and they are posted in my van so that I see them every day. These words have inspired me to not only "get to it" as it pertains to getting physically fit (almost 30 pounds lost so far & daily visits to the recreation center!!), but I have dug deeper into God's Word more than at any time in my life. I am currently doing a Beth Moore online Bible Study, daily devotions with just me and God, and daily devotions with my husband! God is doing great things during my quiet times with Him!! I have been missing out on so much by being so busy "doing" for Him, and not "being" with Him!!!
God has used Elaine to keep me to task. I can hear Elaine's voice, with that sweet southern "twang" saying, "Get to it Girl" as I try to skimp on my time on the elliptical machine, or walk just 3 laps around the track instead of making it a mile and going 4! I can also hear her when I feel as if I am just too tired, emotionally & physically to take my much needed time each day to spend in God's Word - "Get to it Girl, God has something great in store for you today!" God finds the best ways to speak to us doesn't He?
So, my friends as I sit here nursing sore muscles from my latest trip around the track and wanting to eat the whole box of Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies staring at me, I want to encourage you, as well as myself, to keep "getting to it" as we strive to be the best daughters for Christ as we can be - physically and spiritually. I also pray that you have someone who keeps you accountable. We all need someone like that in our lives don't we? Whether it is the friend who goes with you to Weight Watchers every Friday, or the one who whispers, "Jesus is Calling". God gives us who we need right when we need them. Thank you God!!
I want to leave you with one of my favorite scriptures as we strive to "get to it" this week. I keep pursuing the goal to win the prize of God's heavenly call in the Messiah Jesus. Philippians 3:14
I want to leave you with one of my favorite scriptures as we strive to "get to it" this week. I keep pursuing the goal to win the prize of God's heavenly call in the Messiah Jesus. Philippians 3:14
God is Good -- all the time,
P.S. Elaine, thanks for your words of inspiration and for keeping me on the right "track"!! I love you Friend!!