The Tugging... We have all experienced it. The tugging at our heart. The voices in your head. Our conscience, karma, whatever. Call it what you want. I call it GOD.
From the time I was a teenager, I have felt the tugging of God upon my heart. I knew God had a greater purpose for me, a calling higher than that of what I had envisioned for myself. But I didn't know what it was, nor do I believe that I was ready for it yet. I tried to stiffle this tugging by trying and trying to ignore God's purpose for me by totally retreating from everything of God. In my mind, if I became a person that God could not possibly love or use for his purposes, than maybe he would leave me alone.
But my God is a persistent God. He didn't give up on me and he placed people in my life, just at the right times, who would help me to realize that I am worthy of God's grace and forgiveness and that God could use me for his greater good.
My life and your life is a journey - every person, every circumstance, every event has been planned for me and for you. Every day is something new, something different - a new opportunity to serve the creator of the universe. I am continually amazed at how great God is. He knows exactly what I need and when I need it. I believe that my purpose continues to change as I change. What I know for sure is that at the core of my purpose, and at your's is the need and the desire to worship God. How can we not? How I do that with my life continues to evolve. Stay tuned...
Thought for the day: How will you use this day to serve God?