Thursday, May 14, 2009

Otis the Dog and the Prodigal Son

Now I know I may be stretching it here just a bit, but the outcome of both of the stories - the story of Otis the Dog (the pup of my niece Rachel), and the story of the Prodigal Son, have given me a shot in the arm this evening. Just what the doctor ordered!

First, let me give you a little background on Otis the Dog. Otis was recently taken in as a stray by my niece Rachel, (shown above) and her mom and dad. Now Rachel and her parents, are shall we say, not really "dog" people. But for some reason this little black dog has captured the heart of all three of them. The mitochondrial disease that Rachel was born with has comprised her mentally and physically. However, she has not lost the ability to love and laugh, and to be a joy to everyone she meets, including Otis the Dog. He has seemed to sense that Rachel is handicapped and he is very gentle and loving. He is not afraid of her wheelchair, and in fact has found it to be a never-ending supply of scraps that fall onto the feet rests. Rachel has taught him to sit, play catch, retrieve, etc. All tricks that have brought delight not only to Rachel, but to everyone who sees the two of them together. Otis has brought some much needed "puppy" into their household. Rachel's mom has even overlooked the "prizes" that Otis seems to feel the need to bring to the back door for all of them - dead animals! Oh yes, he is so proud when he finds the choicest, most rotten groundhog or dead deer to bring to Rachel.

One of Rachel's favorite t.v. shows is "The Andy Griffith Show." So if you know anything about that show, you know that Otis is the town drunk. Thus, where "Otis the Dog" derived his name. This name seems to suit Otis the Dog, as he is much like "Otis the Drunk" on the Andy Griffith show. Otis on the show sort of wandered around Mayberry in a perpetual drunken state until he needed a place to rest and sleep off his hangover. Otis the Dog is much the same (minus the drunken state). He likes to wander around (I am sure looking for "prizes") and comes home after an hour or two when he needs a place to rest and fill his belly with kibble and water. Both Otis' always have a place to go to - Otis the Drunk to the Mayberry Jail, and Otis the Dog to his brand spanking new dog pen and dog house. Only a week ago, Otis the Dog wandered off and didn't come home!
After a week of all of us looking for Otis the Dog, we had all pretty much resigned ourselves to the fact that Otis was not coming home. He had never been away this long. Rachel's mom and dad, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and neighbors combed the ditches all along the highway looking for Otis. He had seemed to disappear. Rachel kept asking if Otis had gone to live with Jesus. Hers is a childlike faith - one in which when someone or something dies, she doesn't question that they go to live with Jesus. It is just a "given" for her. She didn't have a better explanation for Otis' disappearance other than he must have gone to live with Jesus.

Now I have to tell you. Otis disappearing was the final straw for me in a long list of things that I have felt like God has been dropping the ball on lately. I have really been struggling to keep my joy. I asked God to bring Otis back to Rachel, thinking that nothing is too small or insignificant for God to handle. After a week though I was getting a little impatient with Him!!

So you can imagine the celebration that occurred this evening when I got the phone call that Otis had come home! He was a little stinky, a lot hungry, but not really worse for the wear. Just happy to be "home." Who knows where he has been! I immediately screamed and jumped for joy and then whispered a prayer thanking God for bringing that pup home!!! And, I whispered a prayer for forgiveness that I didn't have the faith that God has everything in control - even Otis.

I began to wonder if the joy I felt and the joy Rachel and her parents felt on the occasion of Otis' return, compared to the joy that the father of the Prodigal Son felt when he saw his son rounding the corner to come home after his disappearance and his time of wandering.

The story of the Prodigal Son, found in Luke 15:11-32, is a reminder to all of us of how much God loves us. A love that I still struggle to comprehend. I can almost see and hear him can't you? I can see that father jumping up and down for joy - shouting to his servants to prepare the celebration feast - I can see the joy that was pouring out of everything that was in him in having the son whom he loved so much return to him.
In the same way that the father rejoiced when his wayward son returned, God says that He celebrates and rejoices when we return to Him after a time of separation. I choose to believe that all of heaven jumps up and down and shouts hallelujah when one of us returns to our Father. Even when we return stinky, tired, hungry for more than this world has to offer, and much worse for wear. I LOVE that about God - we don't have to clean up before we come home for dinner!

Friends, I have been experiencing a time of separation lately - my joy has been harder to find. But tonight, I have chosen to return home to the Father who jumps for joy every time I stray and question His ways, but decides that my life is so much better WITH Him, than without Him. Tonight I choose joy. I don't know any other way to live my life. Life isn't always easy. God doesn't promise it will be. But I know that He is in control of my life - the little things and the big things. Even the "Otis the Dog" kind of things! Praise God!!

God is good...All the time!


P.S. Rachel, thank you for teaching us how to be joyful in all situations and for showing us how to live a life of faith! I love you! Rachel graduates tomorrow. Quite a milestone in the life of this young lady and her family who has had many ups and downs. But tomorrow when Rachel receives her diploma, I am positive there will be celebrations abounding and shouts of joy not only here on earth, but also in Heaven!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Diving In...

On Saturday evening I had the occasion to speak to someone about how I used to teach swimming lessons when I was in college. I told the individual that one of the hardest things to teach new swimmers is diving, especially when it comes to high diving. I didn't think too much of that discussion, as it happened in the middle of a fun evening at a youth event, and actually it sort of left my mind. But later, as I lay in bed reminiscing on the day's events, that discussion came to mind and I was touched by how God wanted to use it to get a message through to me.

I guess the hardest thing about diving is just taking that first step off the dive. It is the fear of the unknown (and for me heights) that causes us to wrap our toes around the edge of the diving board and hang on for dear life. But once we do it, we often wonder what the big deal was and without much pause at all can dive right off into the water again and again. It boils down to an issue of trust and control.

I think that is how our relationship with God can be at times. We are so griped with the fear of the unknown and with the fear of what will happen if we just "dive in" that we sometimes hold back on allowing God to encompass every part of our being and our life. I know for myself there are certain areas in my life that I just wrap my toes around and cling to for dear life. I don't know what my fear is of giving that control over to God, but I struggle with it daily.

I came across some verses recently in my daily devotion time that have spoken to me in a mighty way on this subject. They are found in 2 Colossians 6-7. I love the "Message" version of these verses because they really speak to me in a simple, yet profound way.

My counsel for you is simple and straightforward. Just go ahead with what you've been given. You received Christ Jesus, the Master, now LIVE Him. You're deeply rooted in Him. You're well constructed upon Him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you've been taught. School's out, quite studying the subjects and start living! And let your living spill over into thanksgiving.

WOW! Those words speak volumes to me. What it all boils down to is very simple - trust in what you have been taught and the One who has taught you, and put those teachings into practice and just go for it - live!! If we never jump off that dive, we don't know what is waiting for us at the bottom. We can talk something to death, we can climb off that dive over and over again, and we can get to the edge and look over and talk ourselves out of it, but until we truly trust and just go for it, we will never really release that fear and our living will not be complete. Our relationship with Christ can never fully be what He desires it to be. We have to be willing to take that first step.

If I close my eyes I can take myself back to the swimming pool that I taught lessons at. I can see myself standing on the edge of the pool, or even sometimes in the water underneath the diving board, coaxing my swimming students with these words - "you know what to do, I won't let you drown, I will catch you, you can do this." And now, even today as I write these words, I can hear Jesus gently prodding me off that high dive of fear and insecurity asking, "What are you waiting for, I have taught you well, I won't let you drown, my arms are stretched out wide to catch you, I am in control, just dive in!!"

So, the prayer of my heart this is day is... Oh Jesus, the desire of my heart is that I can pry my toes of that board and dive in without fear of drowning, knowing that your arms are there to catch me, even during those times when I feel as if all I am doing is flailing around and treading water in life. Help me to trust in your teachings and in your promises, even during those times when it is so hard to give up that control. I ask that you remind me that your arms are wide enough and strong enough to save me from the deep. Never let go of your grip on me. Thank You Jesus, even now I pray. Amen

God Is Good ~ All The Time!!


Monday, March 9, 2009

My Boss...

"My Boss is a Jewish Carpenter" ~ that is what the bumper sticker read today on the car in front of me at the light. I have seen this particular sticker before, it wasn't new to me, and I haven't been particularly moved by it in any way before. But today for some reason it struck a cord in me. I began to think how we might change our commitment to Christ if we REALLY took those words to heart.

I have an "earthly" boss. Her name is Elaine. She is a great boss, she is a pastor. She makes it easy and enjoyable to do my job. She brings out my best and I want to make her proud. I usually go above and beyond what she requires of me in my job. I love my job, but I must admit there are times when I need a break and would just LOVE to call off from work. But because I know Elaine counts on me for so many things, my commitment to her and to my job makes it hard to take those much needed days off every once in a while (by the way, I do get two weeks of vacation, but sometimes that just isn't enough!!). And, when I do take those days off, I am guilt-ridden over it. Because of my devotion, I don't miss too many days of work (other than for sick kids, minor melt downs, etc.) I am also very punctual (I don't have to punch an "actual" time clock, but I don't like to be late!). Perfect employee? Maybe, in the eyes of some. But what about in the eyes of the One who matters most???

So I guess what I am getting at is this. Why can I be so devoted to my "earthly " boss Elaine and strive to never let her down, but I fall so short in my devotion to my "heavenly" boss at times. How many times do I skip my morning or evening devotions because "I just don't feel like it?" How many times have I missed Sunday worship for some lame excuse? Why do I settle for "less than" and "good enough" when it comes to wanting to please Christ? How many times I am "late" when God needs me to show up?

So my prayer for today and for the days to come will be that Christ will hold me to His higher calling, much like Elaine does at work. I pray that my devotion and my commitment to my "heavenly" boss will not waiver and stand firm so that some day when I get my ultimate "evaluation", I will hear those words I so long and look forward to hearing, "Well done my faithful daughter - welcome home."

God is Good, All the Time


Monday, February 16, 2009

The Prize...

Exercise - I cringe at the very thought of it and hate every minute of it! I really do. I would much rather have all of my teeth pulled! I don't look cute in all of the latest workout attire and I sweat like a pig. Not attractive!! I don't know if that will ever change and if there will be a day that I will look forward to it. I'm working on it, I truly am!

I have decided that 2009 is going to be the year that I become physically fit AND spiritually fit. Both challenges in their own right I must admit. I needed to make some serious changes and 2009 has found me in the right frame of mind for once in a very long time to achieve my goals.

God has used a variety of people and ways in order to help me with my goals this year. One way has been my sister friend Elaine from "Peace for the Journey". After many years of "life" and circumstances, God has reunited us in a unique way through her blog site.

She gave all of us words of inspiration in one of her earlier 2009 blogs by telling us to "get to it". (I encourage you to take a look at it!) I have taken those words to heart and I have printed them on a card and they are posted in my van so that I see them every day. These words have inspired me to not only "get to it" as it pertains to getting physically fit (almost 30 pounds lost so far & daily visits to the recreation center!!), but I have dug deeper into God's Word more than at any time in my life. I am currently doing a Beth Moore online Bible Study, daily devotions with just me and God, and daily devotions with my husband! God is doing great things during my quiet times with Him!! I have been missing out on so much by being so busy "doing" for Him, and not "being" with Him!!!

God has used Elaine to keep me to task. I can hear Elaine's voice, with that sweet southern "twang" saying, "Get to it Girl" as I try to skimp on my time on the elliptical machine, or walk just 3 laps around the track instead of making it a mile and going 4! I can also hear her when I feel as if I am just too tired, emotionally & physically to take my much needed time each day to spend in God's Word - "Get to it Girl, God has something great in store for you today!" God finds the best ways to speak to us doesn't He?

So, my friends as I sit here nursing sore muscles from my latest trip around the track and wanting to eat the whole box of Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies staring at me, I want to encourage you, as well as myself, to keep "getting to it" as we strive to be the best daughters for Christ as we can be - physically and spiritually. I also pray that you have someone who keeps you accountable. We all need someone like that in our lives don't we? Whether it is the friend who goes with you to Weight Watchers every Friday, or the one who whispers, "Jesus is Calling". God gives us who we need right when we need them. Thank you God!!

I want to leave you with one of my favorite scriptures as we strive to "get to it" this week. I keep pursuing the goal to win the prize of God's heavenly call in the Messiah Jesus. Philippians 3:14

God is Good -- all the time,


P.S. Elaine, thanks for your words of inspiration and for keeping me on the right "track"!! I love you Friend!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Where are You???

This morning God and I had a wonderful conversation. One, that in the midst of it, brought me to tears. I didn't have any other choice but to surrender and allow the tears to come. I believe that those times of vulnerability are some of the best times spent with God. No walls, no defenses. My tears flowed, not out of any feeling of sadness, but out of my pure and utter love for Jesus and my amazement of how great my God is!!

Among the many things I needed to speak to God about this morning, I had one question for Him and boy did He have an answer for me!! My question was "God, where are you in the midst of all of this?"

I am sure I am not alone in asking this question. I am sure that I am not the only one that struggles some times to see God in times of uncertainity or trouble. Lately, I have been struggling with some circumstances in my life. Some of my own choosing, some not. It is in these circumstances that I am struggling to see God's hand.

For instance, last evening my husband informed me that some of his co-workers had been told to pack up their desks - they no longer had a job. The dire state of our economy was hitting a little too close to home! After saying a quick "thank you" to God that this had not affected my husband (yet), I began to do what I normally do in these situations - figure out how I am going to deal with this (not how is GOD going to deal with this) and worry!! It was in dealing with this circumstance that God spoke to me this morning and answered my question. This is what He said:
  • You know those birds that I send to your feeder every morning for you to enjoy, I provide for those birds. I tend to their every need. I provide food and shelter for them. If I do that for them, what makes you think that I won't continue to provide for you? Look at the birds and you will see me there.
  • Did you have to tell your heart to beat this morning and your lungs to fill with oxygen? When your heart beats and you feel yourself breathing, remember me and you will see me there.
  • Remember when you went to the grocery store this week? Remember how you had enough money to pay for everything you purchased? Look at the cupboards and full refrigerator and you will see me there.
  • Were you warm this morning lying in your bed? Did your children have a soft bed to sleep in? Remember the warmth and softness of your beds and you will see me there.
  • Did you and your family have clothing to put on this morning? When you get dressed for work, remember me and you will see me there.
  • Do you see the school buildings that your children attend every day? I have given them a sound, healthy mind so that they can learn in those buildings. They are not mentally or physically challenged. They are bright and healthy. When you drop them off in the morning, look at those buildings and you will see me there.
  • Did you feel the love that your cat showed you this morning when she curled up against you under the covers? Unconditional love. Remember that she is my creation, and you will see me there.
  • Is it by chance that your paths are clear and free from obstacles and accidents on your way to work every day? When you get to work safely and without incident, remember me and you will see me there.
  • When I closed one door and felt disappointment and hurt, didn't I open another this is bringing you joy and a renewed sense of purpose? Remember me in that circumstance and you will see me there.

At this point in my conversation with God, I had been so humbled that I felt like I wanted to hide. How could I take for granted all of these things? How could I for even one moment forget that God is present in all of the mundane, seemingly insignificant things, AND the big things in my life? How could I forget that He has always been there? His hand has been ever present in my past, my present and my future - I just have failed to acknowledge or remember it.

So, my prayer today has been for God to open my eyes to all of the places He is in my life and in the lives of those I love. You would be surprised at how God will reveal himself to you when you take the time to purposefully look for Him and thank him for his many blessings!

Thank You God, and forgive me for being so blind!!!

God is Good, All the Time!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Jesus Loves You, But I Am His Favorite

Those are the words written on a shirt that I received as a gift this Christmas. The giver of the gift said that she immediately thought of me when she saw it. At first, I didn't know if I should take that as a compliment or not. I questioned for a moment if she immediately thought of me because I give off a sense of "being better" than others. After she assured me that this is NOT why she thought of me, I felt a little better and laughed along with everyone else about the message on the shirt.

But ever since then, I have been thinking about that shirt (and have worn it a few times to the gym) and what lesson I can draw from it. Kind of silly right? A lesson from a shirt? Well, I don't think so.

Think back when you were a student. Were you ever the "teacher's pet"? I can definitely remember several classes were I could have been labeled the teacher's favorite. Remember how that felt? Remember the special privileges that you sometimes received because the teacher liked you so much. Remember how special you seemed, not only to the teacher, but to the other students? Or, maybe you weren't ever the favorite. Maybe you longed to be the teachers pet. Just once, you wanted to know what that felt like.

Guess what the shirt has reminded me of? I/YOU don't need to WISH to be His favorite. I ALREADY AM Jesus' favorite. And, so are YOU! I AM the Teacher's pet! And, so are YOU! And guess what else I am reminded of? I need to live like I believe that!!! I need to live like I am special!!!

No, I am not suggesting that we give off an air of conceitedness, but I am suggesting that we need to be living as if we TRULY believe the things Jesus says about us. For instance, and just to name a few:

  • I am a child of God (John 1:12)

  • I am a friend of Jesus (John 15:15)

  • I am justified and redeemed (Romans 3:24)

  • I am a fellow heir with Christ (Romans 8:17)

  • My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who dwells in me (1 Corinthians 6:19)

  • I am blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places (Ephesians 1:3)

  • I am God's workmanship created to produce good works (Ephesians 2:10)

  • I am a citizen of Heaven (Philippians 4:7)

  • God loves me and has chosen me (1 Thessalonians 1:4)

WOW! Can you imagine what people would see in us if we started to live as if we believe those things? Don't you think we would ACT differently, THINK differently, and FEEL differently? I think we would be acting as if we WERE someone's favorite, like we had received special privileges from the Teacher! We would stop wishing!

So the desire and prayer of my heart is that I (YOU) remember and know that I am Jesus' favorite - even when I am not wearing the t-shirt as a gentle reminder. Thank you Jesus (and Connie) for the gift!!!

God is Good...All the time!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Where Have I Been?????

I have been with God!!

It has been over a month since the last time I posted here. And I must say, what a month it has been! Thanksgiving came and went and the time that I was able to spend with my immediate and extended family was memorable. As I get older, I cherish those times more and more - especially times with my aging parents. I know that my time with them is limited. My camera never got a rest as I tried to capture every moment!

The Christmas season whirled in with its' usual stresses and quite honestly I didn't know if I really wanted to deal with it this year. However, as the season progressed I came to realize that this Christmas was going to be different. Different because God was working (sometimes to my annoyance and fear) in my life this year and He wasn't going away. He was making sure that THIS Christmas I didn't miss Him!

Now, this may seem surprising to you. SHOULDN'T God be present in our lives at Christmas??? Well yes, he should! But that doesn't always happen with me. Most times I am so caught up in all of the "trappings" of Christmas and all of the "to do's" of Christmas that many years Christmas comes and goes and Christ has been so excluded that the only evidence that He was a part of it, sits in the form of a statue in the Nativity set on my piano.

Not this year. No, not this year! God was VERY present this year. God was stirring in me. And, He wasn't going to be quieted or packed in a box until next year!! You see, my life has changed dramatically over the past month. Many "constants" have changed. After serving in my church as the Coordinator of Christian Education and Jr. & Sr. High Youth Leader for approximately 15 years, God has called me to a new church and to new possibilities.

It has not been without its' struggles and its' tears. I have wrestled and struggled with God over this one. But my God is a persistent God and He wasn't going to back down on this one. This decision came with many convictions that where I WAS is not where God NEEDED me, or WANTED me to be any longer. There are many "reasons" why this is so. Reasons that I don't need to share here. But the greatest thing, and the thing that God planned for me in all of this, is that He has stirred and renewed in me a desire to seek Him like I have not sought Him in the recent past!! Isn't God cool that way!!! He ALWAYS turns something that we perceive as bad into something so good that we often cannot see it until our unbelief and doubt is erased by His faithfulness and mercy.

Now don't get me wrong, there have been many times over the past few weeks when those questions of doubt have raised their ugly heads. But in those times, God has spoken loud and clear that I need to trust Him and believe Him for those things He has promised me through all of this. He has closed one door, but another window has been opened. He has promised me that He will never leave me and that He will reward me for my "earnest" seeking of Him through all of this.

My prayers for myself, as well as for you, are that we would be "God Seekers" in 2009. I want to search out and seek God's direction and His will for EVERYTHING in my life. Stayed tuned as I see how God continues to work through and in me over the next few weeks, minutes, seconds....

God is Good!!